Nueva sección de Cómic infantil y juvenil en inglés
La Biblioteca abre una nueva sección dentro de la colección dedicada al cómic y la novela gráfica infantil y juvenil de autores norteamericanos en inglés. Estará ubicada junto a los materiales de aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa y la narrativa juvenil.
Os recomendamos algunas de las nuevas incorporaciones de ésta sección:
“Good-bye, Chunky Rice” Craig Thompson
Thompson, Craig (1975-)
Good-bye Chunky Rice / Craig Thompson. — New York : Pantheon Books, 2004. — 125 p. : principalmente il. b. y n. ; 20 cm. ISBN 0-375-71476-6 / PN 6727 .T56 G66 2007
Good-bye, Chunky Rice is a 1999 graphic novel written by Craig Thompson. It was originally published by Top Shelf Productions. The book tells the story of Chunky Rice, a small turtle who leaves his familiar surroundings, including his mouse best friend, to enter the next phase of his life. Other side characters in the novel also experience similar losses of friendship through tragedy or their own choice.
“Calvin and Hobbes” Bill Watterson
Watterson, Bill
Calvin and Hobbes / by Bill Watterson ; foreword by Garry Trudeau. — Kansas City : Andrews McMeel Publishing, 1987. — 127 p. : principalmente il. bl. y n. ; 23 cm. ISBN 0-8362-2088-9
PN 6727 .W38 C35 1987
Calvin and Hobbes is a comic strip, following the humorous antics of Calvin, an imaginative six-year old boy, and Hobbes, his energetic and sardonic—albeit stuffed—tiger.