Library Storytelling Morning activity for January
Come to the “tellebration” with us! Monthly Saturday morning meetings where kids can enjoy selected stories in English with Brian George (Oliver) as storyteller.
Recommended for children between the ages of 4 – 9. Two adults per child maximum. Approx. 40 minutes.
Participation is free. Seating is limited; entrance is open until full capacity (35 kids per session). Register including children’s name/s and your favorite session (11 / 12:30 h.) at biblioteca@iie.es and wait for our confirmation reply.
January 2010 storytelling around the book:
“Follow the Drinking Gourd” by Jeanette Winter
Saturday January 30th
At 11 a.m. – English Version (All in English)
At 12:30 p.m – Bilingual Version (In English, using some Spanish to help understand)
“Winter’s story begins with a peg-leg sailor who aids slaves on their escape on the Underground Railroad. While working for plantation owners, Peg Leg Joe teaches the slaves a song about the drinking gourd (the Big Dipper). A couple, their son, and two others make their escape by following the song’s directions. Rich paintings interpret the strong story in a clean, primitive style enhanced by bold colors. The rhythmic compositions have an energetic presence that’s compelling. A fine rendering of history in picture book format.”
From Randsom House.
Recommended links for parents and teachers: