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“That book woman” by Heather Henson and pictures by David Small
“Heather Henson’s That Book Woman brings to life the story of the book women, more formally known as Pack Horse Librarians, one of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Works Progress Administration programs of the 1930s. Her writing style is graceful and measured, and placing the narrative in Cal’s vernacular gives the story a weight and emotional resonance that really sticks with readers, bringing them along with him as he discovers more than chicken scratch in those books.”
Extraído de Imperfectparent.com
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Los títulos recomendados están en la Biblioteca del Instituto Internacional. Si te interesa leer ésta recomendación puedes consultar su disponibilidad en el catálogo la biblioteca del IIE.
That book woman / Heather Henson; pictures by David Small. — New York : Atheneum Books for Young Readers, cop. 2008. — [36] p. : il. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 1-4169-0812-9
PZ 7 .H46 T53 2008