Nuevo número recibido de: JOURNAL OF SPANISH CULTURAL STUDIES (vol. 11, nº 2. June 2010)
Sumario de éste núme ro:
*Francoist Poolitics of Female Identity: The Curious Case of Lida Vernoa. Nino Kebadze
*Beyond the Words: The National Sublime and the Spanish War of Independence in El secreto del rey cautivo and Un día de cólera. Antonio Gómez López Quiñones
*The Disposable Immigrant: The Aesthetics of Waste in Las cartas de Alou. Diana Q. Burkhart
*The Art of Engineering: The Bridge as Object and Method in Juan Benet’s Fiction. Benjamin Fraser
*The Recuperation of Memory in Regional and National Television Documentaries: The Epistemology of Els fosses del silence (2003) and Las fosas del olvido (2004). Isabel Estrada
*Christine Arkinstall, Histories, Cultures, and National Identities. Women Writing Spain, 1877- 1984, (Lewisburgh, PA: Bucknell University Press, 2009). 250pp. ISBN 9780838527284. Sandie Holguín
*Pura Ferández, Mujer pública y vida privada. Del arte eunuco a la novela lupanaria, (London: Támesis, 2008). 304pp. ISBN 9781855661660. Andrés Zamora
*Joan Ramon Resina, Barcelona’s Vocation of Modernity. Rise and Decline of an Urban Image, (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2008). 288pp. ISBN 9780804758321. Patrizio Rigobon
*Notes on Contributors
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