Último número recibido de: HISPANIC REVIEW (vol. 78.4. Autumn 2010)
Sumario de éste número:
*Guest Editor’s Preface, The Invisible Tradition: Avant-Garde Catalan cinema under Late Francoism. Sara NAdal-Melsió
*Protabella, Brossa, Santos: uun triangle irregular. Fèlix Fanés
*Impossible Narratives: The Barcelona School and the European Avant-Gardes. Rosalind Galt
*Barcelona come piedras: la impolítica Mirada de Dante no es únicamente severo (Jacinto Esteva y Joaquín Jordà, 1967). Teresa Vilarós
*A New “Cinema of Attractions”? The Barcelona School’s Exhibitionist Loops. Anna Cox
*The Legacies of Pere Portabella: Between Heritage and Inheritance. Steve Marsh
*Pere Portabella: hacia una política del relato cinematográfico, (Bryan Cameron). Rubén Hernández
*Jazz Age Barcelona, (Marc Caplan). Robert A. Davidson
*Apocryphal Lorca: Translation, Pardoy, Kistch, (Daniel Katz). Jonathan Mayhew
*Trafficking Knowledge in Early Twentieh-Century Spain: Centres of Exchange and Cultural Imaginaries, (Germán Labrador Méndez). Alison Sinclair
*Translating Empire: José Martí, Migrant Latino Subjects and American Modernities, (Caroline F. Levander). Laura Lomas
*The Laughter of the Saints: Parodies of Holiness in Late Medieval and renaissance Spain, (Marla Pagán-Mateo). Ryan D. Giles
*Escess Baggage: A Modern Theory and the Conscious Amnesia of Latin Americanist Tought, (Ignacio M. Sánchez Prado). Jonathan Pitcher
*From Lack to Escess: “Minor” Readings of Latin American Colonial Discourse, (Lisa Voigt). Yolanda Martínez San-Miguel
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