Nuevo número recibido de: JOURNAL OF SPANISH CULTURAL STUDIES (vol. 12, nº 1. March 2011)
Sumario de éste número:
SPECIAL ISUE: REVISITING JEWIS SPAIN IN THE MODERN ERA, edited by Daniela Flesler, Tabea Alexa Linhard and Adríán Pérez Melgosa
Introduction: Revisiting Jewish Spain in the Modern Era. Daniela Flesler
*Amador de los Ríos and the Beginnings of Modern Jewish Studies in Spain. Andrew Bush
*Reconquering (Sepharad): Hispanism and Proto-Fascim in Giménez Caballero Sephardist Crusade. Michal Friedman
*(Spaniards) of the Jewish Type: Philosephardism in the Service of Imperialism in Early Twentieth-Century Spanish Moroco. Isabelle Rohr
*On Universalist Particularism: The Catalans and the Jews. Edgar Illas
*The Voids of Sepharad: The Memory ofthe Holocaust in Spain
*Elvira Vilches, New World Gold. Cultural Anxiety and Monetary Disorder Modern Spain (Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2010). 631 pp. ISBN 978-0-226-85618-6. Noelia Sol Cirnigliaro
*Germán Labrador Méndez, Letras arrebatadas: Poesía y química en la transición española (Madrid: Devenir Ensayo, 2009). 502 pp. ISBN 978-84-96313-73-6. Jonathan Mayhew
*Sharon G. Feldman, In the Eye of the Storm (Lewisburg: Bucknell Univerty Press, 2009). 411 pp. ISBN 978-0-8387-5722-2.
*Notes on Contributors
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