Las novedades destacadas de la semana
“The world as I found it” por Bruce Duffy
“Vienna, 1900. The trenches of World War I and the dark slide into Nazi Europe. The intellectual lights of Cambridge University and the nabobs on the outskirts of Bloomsbury. Marriage and domestic life. These are just a few of the worlds the reader enters in this exhilarating novel of ideas, romance, and imagination.”
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Los títulos recomendados están en la Biblioteca del Instituto Internacional. Si te interesa leer ésta recomendación puedes consultar su disponibilidad en el Catálogo de la biblioteca.
The world as I found it / Bruce Duffy ; introduction by David Leavitt. — New York : New York Review Books, 2010. — xv, 558 p. ; 21 cm. — (New York Review Books classics).
PS 3554.U31917 W6 2010
R. 97946