Nuevo número recibido de: THE NEW YORK REVIEW OF BOOKS (vol. LVIII, nº 13. August 18-September 28)
Sumario de este número:
*Good stuff: a reminiscence of My father, Cary Grant by Jennifer Grant. David Thomson
*The social animal: The hidden sources of love, character, and achievement by David Brooks. H. Allen Orr
*Poem. Charles Simic
*The debt limit: what were they thinking?. Elizabeth Drew
*To make a world: George Ault and 1940s America an exhibition at the Smithsonian American art museum catalog of the exhibition by Alexander Nemerov. Sanford Schwartz
*The inner life of empires: and eighteenth century history by Emma Rothschild. J. H. Elliott
*Two poems. Henri Cole
* In the plex: How Google thinks, works and shapes our lives by Steven Levy and three other books on Google. James Gleick
*Battle hymm of the Tiger mother by Amy Chua. Diana Johnson
*Illuminations by Arthur Rimbaud, translated from the French and with a preface by John Ashbery poems under Saturn by Paul Verlaine, translated from the French and with an introduction by Karl Kirchwey. Charles Rosen
*Friday night lights, seasons 1-5 a television series created by Peter Berg, Friday night lights a film directed by Peter Berg, Friday night lights: a town, a team and a dream by H. G. Bissinger. Lorrie Moore
*Turkey and the dilemma of EU Accession: When religion meets politics by Mirela Bogdani and three other books on Turkey. Stephen Kinzer
*A moment in the sun by John Sayles. Nathaniel Rich
*Zarkana a show by Cirque du soleil, written and directed by François Griard, at Radio City music hall a magic flute directed by Peter Brook at the Gerald W. Lynch Theater, John Jay College, New York City. James Fenton
*Bahrain Burning. Joost Hiltermann and Toby Mathiesen
*Alfred Kazin´s journal selected and edited by Richard M. Cook. Edward Mendelson
*The chukchi Bible by Yuri Rytkheu, translated from the Russian by Ilona Yazhbin Chavasse. Colin Thubron
*The bright side of the Balkans. Charles Simic
*India: a portrait by Patrick French. India calling: an intimate portrait of a Nation´s remaking by Annand Giridharadas. Joseph Lelyveld
*Christian materiality: an essay on religion in Late Medieval Europe by Caroline Walkter Bynum. Eamos Duffy
*The collected prose, 1948-1998 by Zbigiew Herber. Ingrid D. Rowland
*A covert affair: Julia Child and Paul Child in the OSS by Jennet Conant. Walter Kaiser
*Sex and the river styx by Edward Hoagland. Phillip Lopate
*Pendulum swing edited by Larry J. Sabto, and three other books on the 2012 elections. Andrew Hacker
*”The illusions of psychiatry”: and exchange with John Oldham, Daniel Carlat, Richard A. Friedman, and Andrew A. Nierenberg. Marcia Angell
*What went wrong at the Getty?: an exchange with Jason Felch and Ralph Frammolino. Hugh Eakin
*The Israeli army & Human rights: an exchange with Stuart Robnowitz and Aryeh Neier. David Shulman
*Richard Ekstract, Richard Dorment, Gerald Markowitz and Brigid O` Farrel. Letters form
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