Library Storytelling Morning Session for November
Come to the “tellebration” with us! Monthly Saturday morning meetings from October to June where kids can enjoy selected stories in English with Brian George (Oliver) as storyteller.
Recommended for children between the ages of 4 – 8. Thirty-five children per session and two adults per child maximum. 45 minutes approx.
The activity now forms part of the library services for library members, with an optional 2 for 1 registration. This means each child with a library card can bring one guest.
Library members will need to show their library card and send an e-mail to biblioteca@iie.es confirming their participation in the activity any time from the first day of the month and up to the week of the Storytelling morning.
Non-members who want to participate have a symbolic associated cost of 3€ per child for each session. The tickets can be obtained at the library check-out desk the same week of the Storytelling morning up until 15 minutes before the beginning of the activity.
If at some point the number of members registered reaches the maximum capacity limit we will announce that tickets are sold out trough the Library’s blog.
November 2011 storytelling around the book:
“Ananse’s feast: an Ashanti tale” by Tololwa M. Mollel & Andrew Glass
Saturday, November 26th 2011
At 11 a.m. – English version (for advanced level learners)
At 12:30 p.m –English version with some Spanish to help understand.
(For Intermediate English level learners)
“When the clever spider Ananse outwits Akye the turtle by inviting him to a feast he cannot touch, Akye plans a tasty revenge. Unwilling to share his feast, Ananse the spider tricks Akye the turtle so that he can eat all the food himself, but Akye finds a way to get even.”
(Cuando la ingeniosa araña Ananse se burla de la tortuga Akye invitándola a una fiesta en la que no puede tocar nada, Akye organiza una sabrosa venganza. No queriendo compartir su fiesta, la araña Ananse engaña a la tortuga Aike para poder comerse sola toda la comida pero Akye encuentra la forma de ajustar cuentas.)
From Barnes and Noble.
Recommended links for parents and teachers: