Nuevo número recibido de: BULLETIN OF SPANISH STUDIES (vol. LXXXVIII, nº5. July 2011

Sumario de este número:


*Archival poetics: questions of evidence in reconstructions of judeo-spanish culture. Eleazar Gutwirth

*Sobre les causes i les strategies editorials d’una traducció: La vida de sant Vicente Ferrer (1589). Tomàs Martínez Romero

*The novellas of republican intellectual Ángeles López de Ayala (Seville 1856-Madrid 1926). Christine Arkinstall

*Forme domestic angels to girl power: the evolutionn of female characters in the Theatre of Antonio Buero Vallejo. Catherine O’Leary

*Debates on racial inequality and afro-cuban culture in Adelante. Miguel Arnedo-Gómez


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