Reader’s Theater at the Library June Session
Activity at the library to learn and have fun at the same time using dramatic reading of scripts based on children’s stories. Kids will hear the story, do some drama exercises, and practice reading the scripts with intonation and expression.
This activity is for 9 to 12 years-old (4º-6º Primaria) with a high-intermediate or advance English level. It will be held one Friday per month at 18:00, starting on October and finishing in June.
Readers’ Theater will be led by Carrie and Trisha, also known as storytellers from the International Institute Library Storytelling Mornings.
Now in collaboration with American Space Madrid it’s a free activity!
Library members gain privileged access. They will need to send an e-mail to biblioteca@iie.es confirming their participation in the activity any time from the first day of the month and up to the week before the Readers’ Theater session. Non- members who want to participate also have to send a registration e-mail to biblioteca@iie.es that will be confirmed once we know the spaces left by the library members.
If at some point the number of members registered reaches the maximum capacity limit we will announce that tickets are sold out trough the IIE Facebook page.
June 2014script around the book:
The Miller, the Boy and the Donkey” Brian Wildsmith.
Friday, June 13th 2014 at 18h.
The miller and the boy, taking their loyal donkey to market, can’t decide whether to ride or walk. Everyone they meet along the way has a different opinion. At the end of the journey, the miller’s headaches from all the different kinds of advice he’s received. «From now on,» he confides to his boy, «I shall make up my own mind and stick to it.»
(El molinero y el chico llevan su leal burro al mercado y no pueden decidirse si montarlo o caminar junto a él. Todos los que se encuentran con ellos les dan una opinión diferente. Al final del viaje el molinero ya mareado de tantos consejos decide que en el futuro cuando decida algo se aferrara a ello.)
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