Terminan las clases de Young Learners de otoño
Las clases inglés de Young Learners y los grupos de Kids’ Club han terminado un trimestre llenísimo de actividades y proyectos en inglés. Y por supuesto, han celebrado las fiestas antes de terminar las clases. Aquí tienen un resumen de algunos de las clases de inglés (¡en inglés!)
Young Learners 2
In December Jackie’s Saturday Young Learners 2 group spent time reviewing the trimester contents with a quiz. They also read a story about a dog rescue with Chiara when Jackie was absent. On the last day, the class celebrated Christmas by decorating sugar cookies with frosting and sprinkles and making cards with glitter while listening to Christmas carols.
This month the Tuesday/ Thursday Young Learners 2 class did their best friend project by using the five question types to create a presentation. They also made props and memorized parts for the play ¨Friends Around the World¨ and preformed it for Young Learners 1, where several of the students have brothers and sisters. Jackie was so proud of their hard work! On the last day the class listened to Christmas carols while making cards with glitter and they did a gift exchange while practicing the directions left and right.
Young Learners 3
This month Young Learners 3 students worked on a variety of speaking activities in class. They performed mini skits that they wrote and edited themselves, they practiced presenting research information and did a final project researching an animal, with a partner, which they also presented in class. The skills to present in front of an audience in another language are not always easy and the students did a brilliant job of organizing, practicing and ultimately sharing this information with their fellow classmates.
The students also got into the Christmas Spirit by proposing and participating in the class «Secret Santa» and watching the holiday feature film «How the Grinch Stole Christmas» in English. It was a busy, fun-filled trimester in which students continually developed their speaking, reading and writing skills. They should be proud of their development and are encouraged to continue to practice but for now, happy holidays!
Kids’ Club
Jackie’s class continued reading and studying Holes and even got to share their lessons with YL3. They did rotations with a Holes computer game, matching pairs with the characters and discussing irony in the story with Jackie. On the last day Jackie’s group combined with Alisha´s group to celebrate Christmas by making a paper plate Santas while listening to Christmas carols and playing a gift exchange game.
The English Program at International Institute thanks all of the students and families in Young Learners and Kids’ Club classes for joining us this trimester, and we hope to see you back with us in January! In the meantime, HAPPY HOLIDAYS, EVERYBODY!