Join us from 19h-20h on March 23rd in room 304 for a free American Cultural Studies open session.
Come to learn about upcoming course content for the Spring 2017 ACS 10 week courses, find out about our new American Music Legends 5 week mini-course, and meet ACS faculty.
Reserve your seat online today
American Expression | American Literature | American Music Legends
What does the word “freedom” mean to an American? How has that meaning evolved over time?
How does American literature differ region to region? What do those differences tell us about regional identity in the United States?
What effect has Hollywood had on mythologizing the American experience? What films deserve to be considered “mythic”?
What defines “American” art? How does that art represent uniquely American themes and ideas?
The United States is a nation that escapes easy definition. It is home to a wide variety of experiences, histories, and identities, sometimes existing together in harmony, at other times in great tension.
American culture is a product of this harmony and this tension. Questions like those listed above address both aspects of the American experience. These are the types of questions that will be explored in the American Cultural Studies Program (ACS), an initiative of the English Program at IIE.
ACS offers 10 week courses, 5 week mini-courses, and 1 or 2 day workshops to intermediate and advanced English learners. These courses are created by highly-trained and passionate faculty dedicated to expanding their students’ knowledge of American culture from a variety of perspectives. In so doing their language skills will be enriched and deepened by engaging with native materials on their own terms, as well as by group and individual analysis and interpretation guided by expert instructors, and supported by the latest in educational technology. In addition, assessed student production, written and oral, will demonstrate students’ understanding and fluid control of the course content, both on a technical and linguistic level. Combining methods adapted from the U.S. liberal arts university classroom with ESL best practices, ACS is truly a unique English-learning experience.