YL2 Tu/Th Keeps it Moving!
In our Young Learners 2 class we like to mix things up! We usually start class with a quick game, and an introduction to the content for the day, then we break up and work in stations for half of the class time. Our students LOVE stations, because they get the chance to play and interact with many different resources and games in one class period. This is a great system for us because the teacher is able to spend more time helping individual students during the station time. Here, we have three examples of stations we used in one class: handmade journals where students wrote a short story about their Christmas vacation with an accompanying picture, Bananagrams (a tile game where students build words off each other’s creations), and iPads where students were practicing the grammar content of the day with the BrainPop ESL app. Each class is different in YL2, and the stations are never the same so we’re always on our toes!
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T: 91 319 09 64
E: engdept@iie.es