Playwriting isn’t just for adults!
In the Tuesday/Thursday YL3 class this trimester, we have been working on playwriting. First we brainstormed topics and then decided on a sequence of events and characters. The students paired up, picked one of the events that they came up with, and wrote out their own dialogues for their roles as well as for the others. We pieced the script together into 5 acts with a short dance routine. They choreographed and learned the words to the hit song, “New Rules” by their favorite pop artist of the moment, Dua Lipa. This is how their play, “The Friendship Trip”, came to life.
Prior to writing their own play, they had already practiced reading and acting out different plays from “Readers Theatre» scripts which are adapted from level books and don’t require props, costumes, or a set. The girls practiced reading the scripts with expression and important fluency attributes such as pause, inflection, and intonations. Taking on different character roles helped the students understand literary elements such as motivation and characterization, and then eventually develop their own unique characters and script!
Para más información sobre cursos de inglés para adultos y niños:
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E: engdept@iie.es