Institute’s first comics club publishes students’ books
This spring students CRASHED into the world of superheroes and villains, inaugurating the International Institute’s first Comics Club. We read and analyzed a variety of comics, focusing on the origin stories and journeys of heroes (and, in some cases, villains!). We giggled our way through games and some pretty silly stories. And above all, we created our own comics – sometimes with pencils in hand, and other times through Book Creator, a digital platform that the American Association of School Librarians has named one of the best digital tools for teaching & learning in 2024.

At the International Institute, learning is strengthened by creativity, collaboration, and exploration (that’s why our English classes also use Book Creator!). We are continually seeking out the most effective pedagogical tools and techniques, and we always encourage students to be active participants in their learning.

With that, we are proud to present our digital library of original comics!
Lost Underground Boy 1 By Elena
Message Too Suspicious By P.J.
The supa bra fights the flame By Nugget and Nathaniel
Super Landon and Midnight, Book One: First Mission By Landon
Sup Bra By Griffin
Fast Woman and Her Sidekick By Emma