El martes 9 de junio ofreceremos una sesión de introducción al examen de TOEFL ibt y de los exámenes First y Advanced de Cambridge. Veremos cómo se distinguen los diferentes exámenes para que puedas elegir el curso adecuado para preparar los exámenes oficiales. Nivel: a partir de Intermedio Alto/ Avanzado Reserva tu plaza aquí:
Los participantes en la Sesión Abierta del curso Speaking, Listening, and Pronunciation comentarán algunas dificultades en comunicarse y escuchar el inglés norteamericano. También hablarán de la diferencia entre este curso de 30 horas y un taller de conversación (Conversation Workshop) de 15 horas. Las actividades lingüísticas y culturales incluirán: Speaking = Una conversación de cinco minutos sobre el
This second interactive dialogue between parents will be the focus on June 6th at 11:30: Asking questions, presenting problems and finding a way to creative parenting in families wishing to include more than one language in the household. Anna Steele is a bilingual teacher, teacher educator and parent. She currently teaches at UCM, Departamento de Didáctica de la lengua y literatura
An interactive dialogue between parents will be the focus in this space for asking questions, presenting problems and finding a way to creative parenting in families wishing to include more than one language in the household. Anna Steele is a bilingual teacher, teacher educator and parent. She currently teaches at UCM, Departamento de Didáctica de la lengua y literatura and Universidad
Please join us for this free talk for parents and teachers! What do we know about the brain? How does this affect teaching and learning in first and second languages? In this talk for parents and teachers, the mother-son team will engage participants in activities that focus on how the brain categorizes and connects learning.
Creative Parenting: Cultivating a Unique Multilingual Environment within the Family, Monday, May 11th at 18:30. Including other languages in family communication requires a conscious effort on the part of parents and children. How can we do this while maintaining a natural, comfortable home life? We will consider experiences where language is used and explore how to adapt
In this talk for parents and teachers, Dr Linda Gerena will present Bloom’s Taxonomy of Critical Thinking, a framework built upon questioning to promote higher-order thinking in students. Using this structure and a variety of texts, Dr Gerena will demonstrate practical ways for parents and teachers to develop the skills to analyze, evaluate and create
Llega el fin de semana y los niños tienen ganas de divertirse. Pueden hacerlo en inglés en uno de nuestros nuevos talleres lúdicos: ¡Language & Arts Workshop! Los chicos y chicas de 3º a 6º de primaria aprenderán sobre artistas americanos y después crearán sus propias obras de arte imitando el estilo del artista del
This course is designed for learners who are interested in improving their English language skills through the study of American literature. The theme for this trimester is New York, 1945-1965. We will read short stories, novel excerpts, poems, and essays in order to examine the ways in which these texts offer both an idealized vision
Los alumnos adultos de nuestros clases de inglés y los universitarios americanos de Accent Madrid se juntarán el miércoles 11 de marzo a las 18:00 para practicar inglés y español en un ambiente relajado: ¡el intercambio de conversación en grupo! El intercambio de conversación es de 18:00 a 20:00 y está abierto a todos los alumnos adultos del