Sesión de “Puertas abiertas” del programa de Ingles para jóvenes A partir de las 11.30 de la mañana. Si vais al Cuentacuentos en inglés estarémos disponibles al terminar de la sesión hasta las 13.30h. Muestras de trabajos de alumnos Videos de programas realizados en el Instituto Información sobre libros, materiales, recursos ofrecidos Asistencia de la
RUDOLPH, THE RED-NOSED REINDEER….HAD A VERY SHINY NOSE…. Sound familiar? Here is a link to a classic American Christmas show for children and families. This is a great way for children (and adults) to practice, and most importantly ENJOY English! ¡Un clásico americano! Querido programa navideño para toda la familia. Una manera divertida de aprender,
Clases dinámicas y divertidas para niños de 5 a 7 años, con Profesor Brian George (también cuentacuentos oficial del Instituto Internacional) Martes y Jueves ¡Matriculad ya!
Saturday, December 19, 2009 12 p.m. at the Institute White Snow, Bright Snow by Alvin Tresselt With Stoyteller Brian George!
TRIMESTRE DE INVIERNO ****Antiguos Alumnos: Matrículad ya para descuento del 5%**** COMIENZO DE CLASES DE INGLÉS 13 de enero CLASES DE LUNES/MIÉRCOLES O MARTES/JUEVES Y SÁBADOS ¡NUEVO GRUPO! MARTES Y JUEVES, NIÑOS DE 5-7 AÑOS Llamen 91 319 81 84 para más información
Coming soon to a computer near you!! Building Bridges- an interactive blog between Spain and New York City! Nicole’s students will be blogging with ESL students from New York City. It’s a place where students can help each other with homework, have a debate, and even teach each other about their cultures. English just became
Here’s a clue: [youtube=]
Thursday, November 26th is Thanksgiving in the United States. Thanksgiving’s historical roots date back to the 1600s when the English Pilgrims arrived in Massachusetts. Since then the holiday has evolved into a day for giving thanks, eating a traditional feast, and most importantly, spending the day with family. Our American teachers are looking forward to
Barbara’s Level 5 class did group projects last week to practice making presentations and asking/answering questions. Each pair had to create an advertisement for a new Leisure Center in the town of «Barbaraville.» They had to give a presentation in front of the class to convince «Mayor (Alcalde) Barbara» that their idea for the Leisure
Saturday, November 28th, 2009. Buffalo Woman by Paul Goble (Author, Illustrator) With Storyteller and Actor Brian George 12:00 at the International Institute Library