We hope you have enjoyed the story for this month «The Cow in Patrick O’shanahan’s Kitchen» by Diana Prichard and «Lidia’s Egg-citing Farm Adventure» by Lidia Bastianich… and also your homemade mac and cheese. See you next session!
Summer in the City y Summer in the City – Teens son campamentos urbanos de verano en auténtico inglés norteamericano. Sus participantes, niños de 5 a 12 años y jóvenes de 13 a 16 años, viven el idioma a través de experiencias y actividades realizadas en inglés, y adecuadas a su nivel de madurez
¡Ha llegado el Technovation Challenge en American Space Madrid! En colaboración con la ONG Iridescent y su programa Technovation Challenge, que promueve el desarrollo de tecnología entre las niñas, en American Space Madrid hemos formando 8 equipos de niñas para participar en el concurso mundial. Estos equipos identificarán un problema social real, crearán una app
This week in Kids Club 2 we celebrated the upcoming holidays! We discussed Christmas vocabulary and practiced recognizing and pronouncing holiday words with an I Spy: Merry Christmas book. We also read the classic Christmas story The Night Before Christmas and talked about what our families usually do on Christmas Eve. We wrote sentences about our
25 febrero – 1 abril (18 marzo no lectivo) Sábados | 10:30-12:00 9 a 12 años Este mini-curso es un taller de actividades de STEAM (ciencias, tecnología, ingeniera, arte y matemáticas) centrado en la electrónica. Los estudiantes aprenderán a diseñar y construir circuitos y aplicarlos a objetos diferentes en un ambiente divertido e interactivo.
NEW ACS COURSE WINTER 2017 This trimester we will examine some of America’s best-known short stories and short story writers, and explore the ways in which these works and authors gain the necessary prestige and popularity to be called “canonical.” How many paths to the canon are there? How do they function? Who decides what
NEW ACS COURSE WINTER 2017 This course will focus on the stories that well-known and lesser-known photographers have told about America through iconic photos that still resonate today. From the weary eyes of Dorothea Lange’s Migrant Mother, to the panorama of Robert Frank’s Americans, the misfits of Diane Arbus, and all the searing news images that made
Monday, December 19th, from 18.00 to 19.15 Aula 203 Attendees Will Receive a 5% Discount on Winter 2017 Enrollment! Join us to learn more about the American Cultural Studies Program (ACS) and meet our faculty. Find out about the content for the Winter 2017 trimester of our core courses (American Art History, American Expression, American Literature.)
American Theatre: Broadway and the American Dream This course on American Theatre will use material from Broadway to introduce students to the concept of “The American Dream.” We will study three plays and musicals presented on Broadway: A Raisin in the Sun A Streetcar Named Desire West Side Story Students will strengthen language skills and