Campamento de verano en inglés norteamericano! It’s time for Summer in the City! del 25 de junio al 27 de julio Niños y jóvenes de 5 a 16 años Ya puedes inscribir a tus hijos en el auténtico campamento norteamericano para aprender inglés en Madrid. Actividades interactivas y divertidas: proyectos, teatro, arte, música, etc.
AMPLIAMOS LA FECHA LÍMITE DE ENTREGA DE DISEÑOS AL 3 DE JUNIO ¡Gana una semana GRATIS en nuestro Campamento Urbano de Verano «Summer in the City» del Instituto Internacional! Envíanos un diseño original que muestre lo divertido que es un campamento de verano y que incluya las palabras “Summer in the City 2018″ (25 de
A comienzos del año pasado el American Space Madrid lanzó como parte de su programación, el “Family Book Club”, una nueva actividad que se desarrolla desde entonces en la Biblioteca por su vinculación con la lectura. El proyecto nace del interés en fomentar la lectura en familia siendo la alimentación, la vida sana y la
¡Gana una semana GRATIS en nuestro Campamento Urbano de Verano «Summer in the City» del Instituto Internacional! Envíanos un diseño original que muestre lo divertido que es un campamento de verano y que incluya las palabras “Summer in the City 2018″ (25 de Junio – 27 de Julio 2018). Podrás ser el ganador de una semana
Students in YL 1 created Father’s Day cards in celebration of San Jose (19 March). They chose and colored in the medals they felt best represented their dad (or uncle or granddad or big brother) i.e., best video gamer, strongest, funniest, best dancer, cook, do-it-yourselfer or coach. We know recipients will be wearing their medals
We’ve been having a great time this term in YL4! We spent a couple of classes working on our Black History Month projects, which turned out great. The students picked a prominent figure from African American history and had to give a short presentation on that person followed by a mock interview. Another fun project was when we
We’re already mid-way through the second trimester of Kids Club 2, and the topics we’ve explored have been quite diverse. As the first day of class fell on January 15th, in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, we learned about his contributions to the American Civil Rights Movement, then watched the 1999 film
In Teens Club this trimester we have been exploring different elements of North American culture and history and having fun while doing it! Our very first class landed on Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday. In commemoration, we learned about his life and listened to his famous “I Have a Dream” speech, which he delivered on August 28, 1963
February has flown by in Matt´s YL1 B class! We have celebrated Black History Month by learning about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the amazing contributions he made to the civil rights movement in the USA. The students all agreed that he was an example of a real-life hero. We also celebrated Valentine´s Day
This winter, the students of YL2 B are tapping into their imagination by writing their own skits to put all the vocabulary they have learned to use. Not only that, but they are performing them as well! We have also been reading books relating to friendship and travel. The picture above shows a craft that