El Programa de Lengua y Cultura Norteamericanas del Instituto Internacional presenta su oferta académica para la próxima primavera y anuncia la apertura del plazo de matrícula. Consulta aquí el catálogo de cursos: SPRING 18
In the Tuesday/Thursday YL3 class this trimester, we have been working on playwriting. First we brainstormed topics and then decided on a sequence of events and characters. The students paired up, picked one of the events that they came up with, and wrote out their own dialogues for their roles as well as for the others.
The Young Learners 2A group began the trimester with activities and games related to parts of speech. We started by creating sentences with words we already knew and then looked more closely at the words we used. From there, we’ll be able to reach our objectives for using comparative adjectives and different verb forms. Additinoally,
YL3 has started the winter term off strong with adverbs! We have been using theater games to explore different ways of performing actions: «Do you do your homework slowly or quickly? Loudly or quietly?» Every class begins with a warm-up activity that gets us moving. We practice new vocabulary every week with active games and
In our Young Learners 2 class we like to mix things up! We usually start class with a quick game, and an introduction to the content for the day, then we break up and work in stations for half of the class time. Our students LOVE stations, because they get the chance to play and
It has been a great first trimester in YL5! During our class, we focus on communicative activities which give our students opportunities to use the language they have been learning, and push themselves in new ways. We have debated, talked about controversial topics, played hilarious games, and grown in our communication skills. In the picture
Throughout the fall at the International Institute, the American Space Madrid has been on the go. We have spent 45 hours in public schools and “concertados” throughout the Comunidad de Madrid, provided workshops in eight public libraries, participated in two international college fairs, and attended South Summit, a leading European startup conference showcasing innovation and
It’s the end of the trimester, which means it’s time to celebrate the holidays and spend valuable time with family. Unfortunately, this also means it’s the end of Kids Club 2 – for now. The past few months have been action-packed! Our students have been hard at work, getting their creative juices flowing while learning
El Instituto Internacional siempre ha estado abierto a colaborar con instituciones afines y desde la biblioteca hemos hecho lo mismo en distintas ocasiones. Disponiendo del magnífico espacio de Miguel Angel 8 habitualmente esta cooperación pasa por utilizar nuestras instalaciones, pero con American Cultural Bites se le ha dado la vuelta a esta idea. El objetivo
In addition to improving their language skills this trimester, Matt’s YL 1B class has been exploring the culture and traditions behind some of our beloved fall holidays. Two of their favorites have been Halloween and Thanksgiving. For Halloween, the students made masks that they wore as they visited some of the other classes while «trick-or-treating.» We