Hi! I’m Karen, a rising junior at Stanford University and I spent the past two and a half months in Madrid studying abroad. As part of a service learning course, I was also an English tutor at IIE, and my experience there was one of my favorite parts of being in Spain. The Institute offers
PARA ACCEDER AL NÚMERO DE JULIO DE 2015 DEL BOLETÍN DE NOTICIAS NOTES & NEWS: NOTES AND NEWS JULY 2015 VF From the President The International Institute in Spain has a long, illustrious history, and its labors in the areas of educational and cultural exchange from the days of our founder Alice Gordon Gulick until today have
Anna Steele gave three fantastic talks on Creative Parenting in the cycle of talks, Aprender para Enseñar, Encuentros para Padres y Profesores at the International Institute this spring, sponsored by American Space Madrid. She presented creative ways for families to develop more than one language in the home, as well as sharing activities and resources
17,993 miles. 157 days. 143 classes. 95 classmates. 42 coffees. 33 churros. 17 new friends. 9 exams. 7 side trips. 5 metro abonos. 4 courses. 2 host parents. 1 semester abroad in Madrid. As a scientist, I like numbers, but although I can count every afternoon I spent at the botanical garden at the university,
The 20th of June we celebrated the end of the trimester with the «Young Learners Spring Show 2015» which had acts by the Young Learners 1, 2, and 3 groups. Each class prepared something special to present to their parents and friends. The Young Learners 1 performed two poems, «Big, Bad Cold!» and «Doctor Jen;» the
Sonia Megías colabora con el Instituto Internacional y American Space Madrid en varias actividades. Al piano, nos ha hecho pasar unos ratos extraordinarios acompañando musicalmente la proyección de películas como “El maquinista de La General” o “El hombre mosca”. También dirige el “Coro Fulbright”, que se reúne todas las semanas en el paraninfo del Instituto
April 13, 2015 To kick off the class Michaela´s Kids´ Club group discussed what the perfect class is like and made rules accordingly. In the spirit of poetry month the group read a funny poem by Linda A. Anderson entitled “When Noses Bloom”. The Kids continued by creating their own poems about odd body parts
These past months in Kids Club have been a blast! Loads of interesting activities and stuff to do made every week a busy one! In April the kids started off making their very own Gingerbread Men and Women. After reading a couple of different stories with various points of view about his life, they decided that
The Saturday Young Learners 3 group has been working through Brainpop on adverbs for some time now. They have been working hard; their teacher promised them if they continued to concentrate and work efficiently, they could go down to the American Space Madrid for an activity with the ASM’s library e-tablets. Using a free app, they colored
The first Bilingual Family Forum this past Saturday, May 23rd was a big success. Several parents from bilingual families came together over coffee and snacks to chat, share experiences and ask questions about bringing up bilingual children. Anna Steele talked about her own experience as a mother in a large bilingual family, and shared lots of