During week 3: Inventors’ Workshop, the students made lots of different structures and learned about inventions. For the Odyssey of the Mind competition, students had a challenge of making a free-standing structure with spaghetti and a marshmallow! Here is a picture of the winning structure: They visited the Cosmocaixa exhibit Ideas que Cambian Vidas. The exhibit shows inventions
The Blue and Green groups had another visit from some high school students from the US who were visiting Madrid. Apart from the visit, they also did lots of other activities related to the Round and Round theme. Here is what the students had to say about their second week at camp: This week
The students in the Orange group read a play called ‘Friends Around the World,’ in which one of the characters loves to make toys with clay. They then made their own toy animal figures with clay. Can you find the snail, turtle, pig and penguin?
Comienza la semana y con ella el Campamento Urbano en Inglés, “Summer in the City” con alumnos de cinco a dieciséis años. El ambiente del Instituto se transforma radicalmente a partir de las 9 de la mañana cuando los más madrugadores comienzan a llegar. Todo los alumnos y también padres, se reúnen en el
July 9, 2014 2.30pm – 3.30pm, Room 101 International Institute C/ Miguel Angel, 8 Word Study Success for ESL Learners Through Vocabulary Building and Sorting Please join us for Ellen Comis’ second English language workshop, entitled “Word Study.” This exciting, non-traditional approach is currently gaining ground in the U.S. as an effective method
The EducationUSA Spain Competitive College Club (also known as the CCC) assists top high school students to become competitive applicants to U.S. universities. Club members participate in year round meetings that introduce them to the American educational system and the procedure for applying to US universities. The advising style of these meetings encourages club members
What great groups we had at the open classes for Spontaneous Speaking: English through improvisation this month! Your energy and enthusiasm and willingness to do the activities made it a great success, not to mention a lot of fun. A lot of the participants had seen improv in Spanish before because it has a huge
Si te interesa la literatura norteamericana y también compartir tu afición e impresiones con otras personas, tenemos dos sugerencias para ti. El Círculo Literario aborda un nuevo ciclo a partir del mes de septiembre, «Literatura estadounidense de entreguerras”.Jacqueline Cruz, su moderadora, explica la razón de esta elección:»el período de entreguerras (1918-1939) es uno de los
La biblioteca del Instituto ha encontrado persuasivas y efectivas maneras de animar a los más jóvenes a la lectura. Una de ellas son las sesiones de Cuentacuentos en inglés que este mes de junio acaban de finalizar con el ciclo Fables around the World que ha transportado a los participantes una vez al mes y durante
This past winter when I arrived at the Institute from my hometown of Brookline, Massachusetts, a suburb of Boston, I felt contrasting emotions of great excitement and of others that bordered on homesickness. It was, then, a welcome surprise when Institute Executive Committee member (and fellow Brookline resident) Ben DeWinter showed me a book he