Monday, December 19th, from 18.00 to 19.15 Aula 203 Attendees Will Receive a 5% Discount on Winter 2017 Enrollment! Join us to learn more about the American Cultural Studies Program (ACS) and meet our faculty. Find out about the content for the Winter 2017 trimester of our core courses (American Art History, American Expression, American Literature.)
Young Learners 2 did a creative project with shadows using recycled paper on October 22nd. The students read a story together about making animal shapes using hands and a flashlight. Only the description of one of the shapes alluded to Halloween, with its howling dog, but as you can see in the pictures, its theme is there in the legs of a zombie, a bat, and a
American Theatre: Broadway and the American Dream This course on American Theatre will use material from Broadway to introduce students to the concept of “The American Dream.” We will study three plays and musicals presented on Broadway: A Raisin in the Sun A Streetcar Named Desire West Side Story Students will strengthen language skills and
Descarga el flyer aquí: mini-camp-diciembre-2016 Programa de Lengua y Cultura Norteamericanas 9 de diciembre 2016 • 9:30am – 14:00pm / 9:00am – 16:00pm El Instituto Internacional presenta su Mini Camp para niños de 6 a 8 y 9 a 11 años, un auténtico campamento norteamericano donde sus hijos practicarán inglés en un entorno creativo mientras se divierten.
We’ve had a great start to this year in YL4! The kids are enthusiastic and eager to learn English. We’ve focused a lot on speaking. I’m impressed with everyone’s level, enthusiasm, and imagination. The things they’ve invented during our fake interviews surprised me and made me laugh. I was very excited about our Halloween class!
This week, in anticipation for the election on November 8th, the Young Learners 3A Saturday class split into two groups to research the Democratic and Republican presidential candidates. They presented the information they had learned to the class. Later, we looked at both candidates’ policies objectively and then held a mock vote. Finally, we discussed
10 noviembre | última sesión EL CUADRAGÉSIMO QUINTO PRESIDENTE DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS ES… Mesa redonda sobre el mapa electoral definitivo, su explicación y un debate sobre los resultados. Alana Moceri, Moderadora Cristina Manzano, Directora de esglobal Cristina Crespo, Directora de Relaciones Externas y Coordinadora del Instituto Franklin de la UAH. Coeditora de Hillary. El poder de
The YL1 class got ready for Halloween by reading Maria’s Halloween, a story about one girl’s experience of trick-or-treating. We then made «ghostly» necklaces and pumpkin hats. We also played a game: on each face of a paper cube we drew a picture of something related to this holiday. We then tossed the cubes –
10 noviembre | Última Sesión del Ciclo El cuadragésimo quinto presidente de los Estados Unidos es… Mesa redonda sobre el mapa electoral definitivo, su explicación y un debate sobre los resultados. A lo largo de cuatro conferencias de hora y media, Alana Moceri, analista política y profesora de comunicación política en la Universidad Europea de
¡Comenzamos el 23 de noviembre! Este curso es una introducción a las llamadas tecnologías emergentes relacionadas con cámaras gimbal, drones, bicicletas y coches eléctricos. En concreto, los alumnos trabajarán con la tecnología aplicada en los skateboards eléctricos con el objetivo final de convertirse en auténticos “Makers”. El propósito global de este curso es poner en