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“The Muppet movie” dirigida por James Frawley


“The Muppet Movie is the first of a series of live-action musical feature films starring Jim Henson’s Muppets. The film is a film-within-a-film, as we see Kermit the Frog and the rest of the Muppets creating havoc in a screening room, where they are about to watch The Muppet Movie. When asked by Robin if the film depicts how the Muppets began, Kermit responds that the movie is a somewhat fictionalized account.”

Extraído de Wikipedia.

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The Muppet movie. [DVD] / dirigida por James Frawley. — [S.l.] : Walt Disney Studios, [2009]. — 1 DVD (91 min.) : son., col.

Idioma: inglés, italiano, español…etc. Subtít.: inglés, italiano, español…etc.

Autorizada para todos los públicos

I. Frawley, James. II. Título.

ZW .F73 M8718 1979