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“Chronic City” por Jonathan Lethem
“Chase Insteadman, a handsome, inoffensive fixture on Manhattan’s social scene, lives off residuals earned as a child star on a beloved sitcom called Martyr & Pesty. Chase owes his current social cachet to an ongoing tragedy much covered in the tabloids: His teenage sweetheart and fiancée, Janice Trumbull, is trapped by a layer of low-orbit mines on the International Space Station, from which she sends him rapturous and heartbreaking love letters. Like Janice, Chase is adrift, she in Earth’s stratosphere, he in a vague routine punctuated by Upper East Side dinner parties.”
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Lethem, Jonathan
Chronic City / Jonathan Lethem. — London : Faber and Faber, 2010. — 547 p. ; 18 cm.
ISBN 978-0-571-23567-4
I. Título.
PS 3562.E8544 C47 2010
R. 97975