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“Happy, happy Chinese new year!” por Demi

happy-happy-chinese-new-year“»In a book that is itself a celebration, Demi explains the rituals and ideas behind the Chinese New Year festival. The last 15 days of the old year are spent cleaning and preparing (‘Wash your hair and get a new haircut. Pay the debts that you owe and collect what is owed to you!’). On the eve of the new moon, a special feast is prepared…”

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Happy, happy chinese new year! [Texto impreso] / Demi. — New York : Crown Publishers, cop. 1997.

[20] : il. ; 16 cm.

ISBN 0-375-82642-4

1. China – Vida social y costumbres – Libros infantiles. I. Título.

GT4905 .D44 1997

R. 201162184