On October 31st, our «Bilingual Bunch,» including our American/Spanish families, and Saturday students celebrated Halloween here at the Institute. We played Halloween games, told scary stories, did arts and crafts, and even watched one class perform the «Thriller» dance! Teachers were in costume also, from a pirate to a zombie to Wilma Flinstone! And of
In Maria’s Level 6 class, students completed a unit on childhood memories. After reading American short stories related to this theme («Eleven» by Sandra Cisneros and «The Blanket» by Floyd Dell), they wrote about their own memories. Here’s a sample! «How I Started Swimming» By Estefania When we arrived to the beach, I started running
Oct 16th programme[1] On October 16th, the International Institute and TESOL held a conference for Primary and Secondary English teachers in Madrid. Only teachers would CHOOSE to go to a professional development event on a Friday evening! We enjoyed interesting and dynamic sessions as well as a special magic performance, followed by a «copita» where
Classes have begun and we’re happy to see returning students as well as welcome new ones. ¡Últimas plazas para alumnos de 6 a 11 años! Our teachers are: Nicole: Levels 2, 4, and 5 Veronica: Kids’ Club Barbara: Level 5 (Saturdays) Sarah: Level 6 (Saturdays) Maria: Levels 2 and 6
CLASES COMIENZAN 5 de OCTUBRE Llama 91 319 81 84 para hacer cita para prueba de nivel (para nuevos alumnos) Clases de lunes a jueves a partir de las 17.30, y sábados Esperamos ver a nuestros antiguos alumnos…Welcome back!
In July, the Institute’s «Campamento Urbano» was a «big hit» for all our students, from ages 8 to 16. Why travel abroad you can EXPERIENCE English right here in Madrid? Learning Themes Each week consisted of a theme related to North American culture, and students were immersed in an environment of English through projects, games,
Hello and welcome to the International Institute Young Learners’ Blog! ¡Hola y bienvenidos al Blog del Programa de Jovenes del Instituto Internacional! We hope to be up and running very soon! Stay tuned.
Martes / “Vinieron como golondrinas” de William Maxwell Para el niño de ocho años Bunny Morison su madre es una presencia angelical sin la cual nada parece tener vida; para su hermano mayor, Robert, su madre es alguien a quien debe proteger, especialmente desde que la gripe ha comenzado a asolar su pequeña ciudad del
Con motivo de las fiestas navideñas la biblioteca permanecerá cerrada del día 24 de diciembre hasta el 4 de enero (ambos incluidos). Os deseamos unas felices fiestas y un prospero año nuevo. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Lunes / “2666” de Roberto Bolaño Dos ejes atraviesan 2666, el escritor —cómo le gusta, le gustaba a Bolaño trabajar con personajes que se dedicaran a la literatura— Benno von Archimboldi y la ciudad —cómo le gusta, le gustaba a Bolaño desarrollar sus historias en cualquier lugar de Latinoamérica— mexicana de Santa Teresa como espacio