“The Black Diamond Detective Agency” by Eddie Campbell “John Hardin is a desperate man. He is the sole suspect of the renowned Black Diamond Detective Agency, a private operation determined to solve the mystery and bring its perpetrators to justice—at any cost. Once a quiet Missouri corn farmer, Hardin now finds himself on the run
“Missouri boy” by Leland Myrick & color by Hilary Sycamore “Firecrackers lighting up an ancient tree on a summer evening. Twin boys born the same night their grandmother passes away. Teenagers hanging by their fingertips from the roof of a parking garage. These are the moments of quiet poetry that make up Leland
“Adventures in cartooning” by James Sturm, Andrew Arnold & Alexis Frederick-Frost “Cartooning is what happens when you send your drawings on an adventure! Ever wanted to learn about comics and cartoons? Jeff Kinney (Diary of a Wimpy Kid), Dav Pilkey (Captain Underpants), and Jim Benton (Dear Dumb Diary) all had to start somewhere.” Extraído de
“Little star” by Andi Watson “Simon Adams is certain of what he’s not: he’s not one of those dead-beat Dads. He’s a thoroughly modern «involved» father. He’d give up anything for his daughter and to prove it, he’s already sacrificed his career, his pride and various portions of his sanity”. Extraído de la contracubierta del
“Stinky” by Eleanor Davis “STINKY IS A MONSTER who loves pickles and possums but is terrified of people. When a new kid enters his swamp, this adorable little monster comes up with all sorts of crazy plans to scare him away. But Stinky quickly learns to conquer his fear, as he realizes that bats, rats,
“Un tebeo puede ser un clásico del periodismo. Ese corresponsal de guerra de nuevo cuño que es Sacco ya lleva varios. Su primer éxito, a mediados de los noventa, fue la novela gráfica Palestina, fruto de una larga estancia en Gaza y Cisjordania. Luego abordó, en Gorazde y El mediador, las guerras balcánicas y, en
“Persépolis” dirigida por Vincent Paronnaud y Marjane Satrapi [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGjcfGgVm64] “Narra la conmovedora historia autobiográfica de una niña iraní en pleno fundamentalismo islámico, desde la revolución islámica hasta nuestros días. Cuando los fundamentalistas toman el poder forzando a las mujeres a llevar velo y encarcelando a miles de personas, Marjane descubre el punk, ABBA y a