“The marriage plot” by Jeffrey Eugenides “Eugenides describes a year or so in the lives of three college seniors at Brown in the early 80s. There is Madeleine, a self-described “incurable romantic” who is slightly embarrassed at being so normal. There is Leonard, a brilliant, temperamental student from the Pacific Northwest. And completing the triangle
Nueva sesión del club de lectura en inglés “English Reading Circle” con Peter Savaiano como moderador. Para aprender sobre la literatura contemporánea norteamericana a través de la lectura y la discusión de relatos cortos de revistas literarias en línea, que pueden leerse gratuitamente a través de internet en la páginas web de las revistas. Los
“The marriage plot” by Jeffrey Eugenides “It’s the early 1980s—the country is in a deep recession, and life after college is harder than ever. In the cafés on College Hill, the wised-up kids are inhaling Derrida and listening to Talking Heads. But Madeleine Hanna, dutiful English major, is writing her senior thesis on Jane Austen