“Death comes for the Archbishop” by Willa Cather “Death Comes for the Archbishop is a 1927 novel by Willa Cather. It concerns the attempts of a Catholic bishop and a priest to establish a diocese in New Mexico Territory. The novel was included on Time Magazine’s 100 Best English-language Novels from 1923 to 2005 as
“Drown” by Junot Díaz “The 10 tales in this intense debut collection plunge us into the emotional lives of people redefining their American identity. Narrated by adolescent Dominican males living in the struggling communities of the Dominican Republic, New York and New Jersey, these stories chronicle their outwardly cool but inwardly anguished attempts to recreate
“As I lay dying” by William Faulkner “As I Lay Dying is a novel by the American author William Faulkner. The novel was written in six weeks while Faulkner was working at a power plant, published in 1930, and described by Faulkner as a «tour de force». It is Faulkner’s fifth novel and consistently ranked
“Chilly scenes of winter” by Ann Beattie “Chilly Scenes of Winter has one protagonist, Charles, who pursues Laura in various comic or bittersweet ways. There are no real antagonists, however, nor even any mean-spirited characters, only a series of portraits of attenuated survivors of past emotional scars or disappointments. As Charles lives out his dreary
“City of God: a novel” by E.L. Doctorow “You want ambition? E.L. Doctorow’s City of God starts off not merely with a bang but with the big bang itself, that «great expansive flowering, a silent flash into being in a second or two of the entire outrushing universe.» It doesn’t, to be sure, remain on
“Last night” by James Salter “James Salter’s “Last Night” was first published in the New Yorker magazine in November 2002; it was reprinted in 2005 as the final story in a collection of the same name. Salter has been widely recognized for his treatment of the physical and spiritual conditions of people living in a
“Dress your family in corduroy and denim” by David Sedaris “David Sedaris plays in the snow with his sisters. He goes on vacation with his family. He gets a job selling drinks. He attends his brother’s wedding. He mops his sister’s floor. He gives directions to a lost traveler. He eats a hamburger. He has
“Así como Joyce Carol Oates o Lorrie Moore eligen siempre la cara oculta de la luna cotidiana, Tyler prefiere la visible, la más próxima al lector. Juega luego a sacarle punta con el afilalápices emocional que mejor domina, el estilo indirecto libre (nos dicen qué piensa Liam, Liam nos dice qué piensa), con impecables diálogos
“En 1965, J. D. Salinger desapareció, se esfumó y se negó a publicar nada más hasta su muerte. Ni novelas, ni artículos, ni entrevistas o fotografías, las únicas instantáneas conocidas durante todos estos años son robados a duras penas, desde la lejanía o auténticos atracos a mano armada, como su famosa instantánea a la entrada
“I am Charlotte Simmons” by Tom Wolfe “Dupont University-the Olympian halls of learning housing the cream of America’s youth, the roseate Gothic spires and manicured lawns suffused with tradition . . . Or so it appears to beautiful, brilliant Charlotte Simmons, a sheltered freshman from North Carolina. But Charlotte soon learns, to her mounting dismay,