“The Perfect American” by Peter Stephan Jungk “The Perfect American is a fictionalized biography of Walt Disney’s final months, as narrated by Wilhelm Dantine, an Austrian cartoonist who worked for Disney in the 40s and 50s, illustrating sequences for Sleeping Beauty. It is also the story of Dantine himself, who desperately seeks Disney’s recognition
“Hijas del viejo sur: la mujer en la literatura femenina del sur de los Estados Unidos” editado por Constante González Groba “El estudio de la mujer es fundamental para entender los mitos y las realidades de la cultura del Sur de los Estados Unidos. Este volumen estudia cómo la producción literaria de autoras sureñas, blancas
“Look at me” by Jennifer Egan “At the start of this edgy and ambitiously multilayered novel, a fashion model named Charlotte Swenson emerges from a car accident in her Illinois hometown with her face so badly shattered that it takes eighty titanium screws to reassemble it. She returns to New York still beautiful but oddly
“Resérvame el vals” escrito por Zelda Fitzgerald “Alabama Beggs, alter ego de Zelda Fitzgerald, constituye el eje alrededor del cual gira la acción. De la mano de Alabama nos adentramos en la conmovedora evocación del entorno familiar y social en el que se desarrolla su infancia, propio de una decimonónica ciudad del sur de los
“La ciudad y el pilar de sal y siete relatos de juventud” de Gore Vidal “El amor entre dos hombres es tratado con gran solidez literaria, y una mezcla exacta de valentía y lucidez.” Extraído de La Casa del Libro. Ver además: http://bit.ly/16VTStm http://bit.ly/12MRacN http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gore_Vidal Los títulos recomendados están en la Biblioteca del Instituto Internacional.
“Home land” by Sam Lipsyte “What if somebody finally wrote to his high school alumni bulletin and told…the truth! Here is an update from hell, and the most brilliant work to date, by the novelist whom Jeffrey Eugenides calls «original, devious, and very funny» and of whose first novel Chuck Palahniuk wrote, «I laughed out
“Someday this pain will be useful to you” by Peter Cameron “Someday This Pain Will Be Useful to You takes place over a few broiling days in the summer of 2003 as James confides in his sympathetic grandmother, stymies his canny therapist, deplores his pretentious sister, and devises a fake online identity in order to
“The Collected Plays” by Lillian Hellman “Admirers of Miss Hellman’s recent National Book Award – winning memoir, «An Unfinished Woman», won’t need to be reminded that she is a master of prose. her play, like Bernard Shaw’s, are engrossingly readable, as vivid and alive on the page as on the stage. The Collected Plays brings
“El niño perdido” por Thomas Wolfe “Grover Wolfe, el niño al que se refiere el título, tiene sólo doce años, pero, según dicen todos los que lo conocen, una sensibilidad y una madurez extraordinarias… La novela cuenta, en cuatro tiempos, con cuatro voces distintas muy bien diferenciadas y en cuatro largos capítulos distintos, la búsqueda
“You shall know our velocity! “ by Dave Eggers “In his first novel, Dave Eggers has written a moving and hilarious tale of two friends who fly around the world trying to give away a lot of money and free themselves from a profound loss. It reminds us once again what an important, necessary talent