“The pit and the pendulum and other stories “ by Edgar Alan Poe “This selection of Poe’s critical writings, short fiction and poetry demonstrates an intense interest in aesthetic issues and the astonishing power and imagination with which he probed the darkest corners of the human mind.” Extraido de Amazon. Ver además: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/25525/25525-h/25525-h.htm http://www.readers.sk/resources/files/bookworms/two/worksheets/obwpitpendulumwork.pdf http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edgar_Allan_Poe
“Atlas of unknowns” by Tania James “An utterly irresistible first novel: The story of two sisters, the yearning to disappear into another country, and the powerful desire to return to the known world. Linno is a gifted artist, despite a childhood accident that has left her badly maimed, and Anju is one of Kerala’s most
“Trópico de Cáncer” por Henry Miller “Esta obra narra las peripecias de un álter ego del autor en Paris en los años previos a la segunda guerra mundial. El equilibrio entre las peripecias de una vida bohemia (marcada por las experiencias sexuales y el desenfreno etílico) y las reflexiones acerca de la situación del ser
“The marriage plot” by Jeffrey Eugenides “It’s the early 1980s—the country is in a deep recession, and life after college is harder than ever. In the cafés on College Hill, the wised-up kids are inhaling Derrida and listening to Talking Heads. But Madeleine Hanna, dutiful English major, is writing her senior thesis on Jane Austen
“Ghost train to the Eastern star” by Paul Theroux “Thirty years after his classic The Great Railway Bazaar, Paul Theroux revisits Eastern Europe, Central Asia, India, China, Japan, and Siberia. Half a lifetime ago, Paul Theroux virtually invented the modern travel narrative by recounting his grand tour by train through Asia.” Extraído de Paul Theroux
“The submission” by Amy Waldman “Amy Waldman’s emotionally and politically rich novel, The Submission, raises wrenching post-9/11 questions about what it means to be an American.” Extraído de USA Today. Ver además: http://nyti.ms/s3dPGU http://bit.ly/nDEJnB http://bit.ly/p0UZZc http://wapo.st/oayp79 http://ind.pn/tPqX6q Los títulos recomendados están en la Biblioteca del Instituto Internacional. Si te interesa leer ésta recomendación puedes consultar
“The tiger’s wife” by Téa Obreht “Weaving a brilliant latticework of family legend, loss, and love, Téa Obreht, the youngest of The New Yorker’s twenty best American fiction writers under forty, has spun a timeless novel that will establish her as one of the most vibrant, original authors of her generation.” Extraído de Amazon. Ver
“Caribou island : a novel” por David Vann “On a small island in a glacier-fed lake on Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula, a marriage is unraveling. Gary, driven by thirty years of diverted plans, and Irene, haunted by a tragedy in her past, are trying to rebuild their life together. Following the outline of Gary’s old dream,
“Tender is the night: a romance” by F. Scott Fitzgerald “The French Riviera in the 1920s was ‘discovered’ by Dick and Nicole Diver who turned it into the playground of the rich and glamorous. Among their circle is Rosemary Hoyt, the beautiful starlet, who falls in love with Dick and is enraptured by Nicole, unaware
“Doctored evidence” by Donna Leon “Doctored Evidence is the thirteenth installment in author Donna Leon’s long-running series of detective novels set in Venice and featuring the thoughtful and well-read Commissario Guido Brunetti.” Extraído de Infobarrel. Ver además: http://www.reviewingtheevidence.com/review.html?id=4180 http://www.donnaleon.es/obra.php http://www.donnaleon.net/ Los títulos seleccionados son una muestra de los materiales de la Biblioteca del Instituto Internacional