“Don’t let the pigeon drive the bus” by Mo Willems “When a bus driver takes a break from his route, a very unlikely volunteer springs up to take his place-a pigeon! But you’ve never met one like this before. As he pleads, wheedles, and begs his way through the book, children will love being able
“Cat the cat who is that?” by Mo Willems “Cat the Cat sure likes her friends. You will too! Join this spunky feline as she introduces the very youngest readers to her world, where a surprise is waiting in every book!” Extraido de Amazon. Ver además: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6519587-cat-the-cat-who-is-that http://www.harpercollinschildrens.com/books/Cat-Who-That-Mo-Willems/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cat_the_Cat http://mowillemsstuff.blogspot.com.es/2009/10/cat-cat-who-is-that.html Los títulos seleccionados son una
“The pigeon wants a puppy!” by Mo Willems “He really, really, REALLY wants one. He’ll take really good care of it! What’s the matter–don’t you want him to be happy? The latest book in the best-selling Pigeon series is the funniest one yet.” Extraído de Amazon. Ver además: http://www.publishersweekly.com/978-1-42310-960-0 http://mowillemsstuff.blogspot.com.es/2008/04/pigeon-wants-puppy.html http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1908511.The_Pigeon_Wants_a_Puppy_ Los títulos seleccionados son
“Happy pig day”! by Mo Willems “Gerald and Piggie are best friends. In Happy Pig Day! Piggie celebrates her favorite day of the year! But will Gerald the Elephant be included in the festivities? Using vocabulary that is perfect for beginning readers (and vetted by an early-learning specialist), Mo Willems has crafted a heartfelt story